Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Diary

6:30 a.m.
Enter sons' room. Notice oldest son is covered in poop. Both socks. Outside of underwear. Sheets. Shirt. Oh, and poop on the floor. Son is playing with matchbox cars.

6:35 a.m.
Sheets, socks, underwear, blankets are in the washing machine. Oldest son is in the bath.

10:35 a.m.
Youngest son completely wigs out at the indoor gym we attend on weekends. Seriously. He's freaking out. I literally wrestle him into his coat and out the door. In front of about 35 other people.

10:51 a.m.
McDonald's drive thru. I order a Happy Meal. They won't even let me order Happy Meals until 11 a.m. I wait 9 minutes and drive through the drive thru again.

2 p.m.
Youngest son wakes up from nap and cries. I let him cry for a few minutes. Hey, I'm drinking a cup of hot tea, and he can wait.

2:03 p.m.
I go to get my youngest son out of his crib, and notice his diaper is around his knees and he has two handfuls of poop.

2:05 p.m.
Youngest son in the bath.

2:30 p.m.
I hear water running. Well. Dripping. Uh, oh.

Yes. Pipes froze this week when we had 40 straight hours of below zero weather. Today, Chicago reached a balmy 18 degrees, and the pipes that were frozen solid thawed. All over my bedroom, bathroom and hallway.

6:30 p.m.
I open the mail and find that I've been called for jury duty. On February 13. That's Friday the 13th.

7:30 p.m.
This is my bathroom ceiling, after a four-hour visit from the plumbers.

Tomorrow will be better. Right?


Sarah January 19, 2009 at 9:15:00 AM PST  

Wow, what a weekend! Kind of makes Monday morning a lot sweeter when you wake up and think, "Thank GOD it's Monday, and I can go into work again."

Anonymous,  January 19, 2009 at 3:56:00 PM PST  

MORE water problems? What have you guys got in those pipes, a poltergeist? Good luck drying out.

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